Project Settings Toolbar

The Project Settings toolbar on Server, Client/FEP contains the following icons.

Project Settings Toolbar





Allows you to start a stopped project.
For starting a project at least one active project must be available under Projects node in SMC tree.
NOTE 1: Starting multiple projects can make the system slow. It is recommended that you start only the required project.
NOTE 2: (Recommended) For a project (usually an upgraded project) with extensions that are not installed, it is recommended to install the missing extensions before starting the project. Otherwise a message displays.
NOTE 3: To start a project at least one project must be active.


Allows you to stop a started project.


Allows you to make a project ready to connect to Installed Client. By default, the very first project that you create using the SMC becomes active, provided no old projects are present. You must manually activate all subsequent projects that you create or restore. You can activate a started or stopped project.
NOTE 1: Only one project can be active at a time.
NOTE 2: The status details for an active project always display in the Header bar, whereas the details of a non-active project display only when you select that project’s node in the Console tree.
NOTE 3: (Applicable only for project on Client/FEP) When you configure the Client/FEP project using Manual configuration mode, you must provide the shared project path of the Server project before activating the Client/FEP project. Otherwise a message displays when you click Activate.


Allows you to edit the following only when a project is stopped.
— The Pmon user, to synch it with the System account user
— The ports
— The languages (only for Librarian) for a stopped project. Further, you need to import the new language for Text Localization.
— The default language to be used by Server components to produce language-dependent content (for example, date/time in Journaling)
— Client/Server communication settings. For details, see Modifying the Server Project Parameters and Modifying the Client/FEP Project Parameters.

Change System Info

(Available only on Server)
Allows you to edit the system name and system ID only for the stopped project having distribution disabled.
Make sure that you provide unique system name and system ID for working in the distributed environment.
This icon is also disabled for project with status as Stopped - repair on next start.
You need to first start the project, once it is running successfully you stop it and click Change System Info.

Change Distribution Info

(Available only on Server and for distribution enabled started projects) Allows you to add/edit/remove the distribution participants manually or automatically.


Allows you to save the project configuration.


Allows you to delete a stopped project. This icon is enabled only when the selected project is not started.

Check Project Share Consistency

(Available only on Server) It is generally used to run diagnostics on project’s shared subfolders before creating the project on the Client/FEP or creating the Web application for working with Windows App client.
It checks the consistency and validity for the individual shared project subfolders and identifies any inconsistencies with respect to the user security rights. It provides you with the diagnostic result by opening the log file in the default editor, such as Notepad. It also informs you in case the folder is not shared. The log file is saved under
[installation drive:]\[installation folder]\GMSMainProject\log.
NOTE: This icon is enabled only when the project is shared either using SMC or externally appropriately from Windows.

Check Distribution Consistency

(Available only on Server) It is generally used to run diagnostics on projects in distribution before launching the Installed Client.
It checks the connectivity and validity for projects in distribution and identifies the misconfigurations related to the projects in distribution. It provides you with the diagnostic result by opening the log file in the default editor, such as Notepad. The log file is saved under
[installation drive:]\[installation folder]\GMSMainProject\log.
NOTE: This icon is enabled only when the distribution is enabled and there is at least one distribution partner project configured for the selected project. The icon is enabled no matter if the project is running or stopped.


The icon is enabled in Server, Client/FEP SMC only when the project status is Outdated (in red).
It allows you to upgrade the restored project having a data version less than the current setup data version.
For Version 4.0 the minimum upgradable version is Version 2.1.
See Upgrade a Server Project.
The project backups having data version lower than Version 2.1 must be first upgraded to the Version 2.1 before upgrading them to Version 4.0. See Upgrade a Server Project having Version 1.0 or 1.1.
In Client/FEP SMC you can only perform upgrade (no restore possible). For Version 4.0, the minimum upgradable version for Client/FEP project backup is Version 3.0. See Upgrade a Client/FEP Project.

Remove Events

(Available only on Server) Allows you to delete all events from a project. By default this icon is disabled and is available only when the project is stopped.
Removing events one by one, for example alarms of a restored project using the Installed Client, can be very tedious. Removing the events using this icon in the SMC deletes all the events of a project at one go.

Clear Name Cache

This icon becomes available only when you stop a project for which distribution is enabled. It allows you to clear the name cache from the project (located at the path [installation drive:]\[installation folder]\[project]\data) on the Local system in distribution.
You must clean the cache of the Local system as well as on the Partner system before launching the Client application and working with the projects in distribution. This is because the distribution data might not be consistent after changing some distribution parameters with respect to the actual configuration. For example, when you change the system ID of the partner system entry on the local system.
Note that the system automatically cleans the cache on the local system in distribution when any of the following occurs:
— Whenever a partner system is removed from distribution-setup.
— On changing the distribution connections for the partner system from the local system such that the Local system cannot see the partner system.
— When you manually change the system information (system-name, system-id) of the partner system’s entry in the Distribution Participants expander.
— Whenever you disable the distribution for a project.
— Whenever you change the system-name or system Id of local system in distribution.
NOTE: On Client/FEP you must clear the cache manually by clicking Clear Name Cache.
However, if you change the linked Server project, the cache is cleaned automatically.

Clear HD2 Files

(Available only on Server) This icon becomes available only when there are HD2 files present in the path for a project at the location located at the path [installation drive:]\[installation folder]\[project]\data.
You must clear the HD2 files before changing the system name and system ID.
Warning: Clearing the HD2 files leads to data loss as the historic data is lost as it is not yet stored in the HDB!

Repair on next start

(Available only on Server) This icon is dynamically added and is available only when the project status is: Stopped - last repair failed, indicating that the project database is corrupted.
This icon allows you to change the project status to Stopped - repair on next start, indicating that the next time you start the project, the project database repair will be internally attempted.

Add to project

(Available only on Server) Allows you to add an extension to the project. This icon is available only when
- the project status is stopped
- the project has the latest Data version and
- at least one of the installed extensions is not added to the project.

Remove from project

(Available only on Server) Allows you to remove an extension from the project. This icon is available only when
- the project status is stopped
- the project has the latest Data version and
- atleast one extension added to the project.
NOTE: When you select a parent extension, its child also gets selected for removal. You must manually uncheck if you do not want to remove it.


(Available only on Server) Allows you to navigate to the next page. This icon is available only when the project contains at least one extension and you have some configuration steps specific to that extension.


(Available only on Server) Allows you to navigate to the previous page. This icon is available only when the project contains at least one extension and you are on the next page.

Check Consistency

(Available only on Client/FEP) This icon is available only when you edit the StartSmc.bat file under [installation drive:]\[installation folder]\GMSMainProject\bin by adding the /support switch.
It checks the validity for a project verifying the project configuration such as ports, languages, certificates against Server. It also checks the system configuration information and provides you with the diagnostic result by opening the log file in the default editor, such as Notepad. The log file is saved under
[installation drive:]\[installation folder]\GMSMainProject\log
in the format [Project name]_[DD MM YYYY]_[HHMMSS]
. This icon is not enabled when you edit the project.
NOTE: It is recommended to check the consistency using this icon for running diagnostics on the Client/FEP project before launching the Installed Client.

Realign Server Configuration

(Available only on Client/FEP) Allows you to align the client project with the changed settings of the selected Server project.