Clear the HD2 Files

Data loss

Clearing the HD2 files leads to data loss as the historic data is lost as it is not yet stored in the HDB!

You have not linked a database to a project and you want to change the System Name and System ID for a project. Also, there are HD2 files available at the [installation drive]:\[installation folder]\[project name]\data. In the absence of a linked HDB, the HD2 files are used for storing the temporary project data.

The HD2 files are associated with the system name and system ID of the project. However, when you want to change the System name or ID of a project, it creates inconsistency as the old HD2 files refer to the old System name and ID and hence you must delete these files before changing the System Name or ID. Alternatively, you link the HDB to the project and start the project so that the temporary data in the HD2 files is moved to the HDB. All temporary data is resolved if there are no HD2 files present.

  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project].
  1. Click Clear HD2 Files .
  • A completion message displays in the SMC Status bar.
  • The files are deleted from the path [installation drive:]\[installation folder]\[project]\data.