Configuring the FS20 Sinteso Fire Network


You want to configure Desigo CC for connecting to an FS20 EN Sinteso fire system on a BACnet network.
NOTE: To create a new fire network, you can also use the network creation wizard.

For reference information, see:


  • The fire control units and the network are properly set for networked communication. For configuration examples, refer to the Desigo CCSinteso Network Integration Guide or contact technical support.
  • The Sinteso FS20 EN extension module was installed and included in the active project.
  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  • System Browser is in Management View.
  • The communication network planning is complete and the following BACnet information is available:

All BACnet routing mechanisms require a working IP infrastructure that enables proper communication between Desigo CC server or FEP and the fire system. Use standard IP tools (for example, the Ping command) to verify this communication.
For more information, refer to BACnet Networks for FS20 Fire Applications. BACnet solutions are widely discussed in the fire system Networking Integration Guide (contact technical support).



Export the FS20 SiB-X Metafile
Configure the BACnet Driver for FS20
Supervise the Client Application via the FS20 BACnet Driver
Configure the FS20 BACnet Fire Network
Import the FS20 SiB-X Metafile in the Management Station
Configure the FS20 BACnet Time Synchronization