Import the FS20 SiB-X Metafile in the Management Station

  • One or more valid files that you want to import are available locally or over the network.
  • The driver associated to the destination network was configured and started.
  • The destination network node was created.
  • To speed configuration, make sure the Desigo CC Transaction Mode is set to Simple or the Automatic Switch of Transaction Mode is set to True.
    The automatic switch setting is recommended. Without it, to re-enable the logs, you need to set the Transaction Mode to Logging at the end of the configuration procedure.
  1. In System Browser, select Project > Field Network > [fire network].
  1. In the Import tab, click Browse to select the configuration files.
  1. Click Open.
  • The files are checked for errors and the Analysis Log button becomes available to show the check log.
  • If the files are valid, the list of control panels displays in the Source Items section on the left, showing the units whose database is in the configuration file.
  • The Source Items list includes a panel ID, the panel name, and the number of instances, or objects, that belong to each panel.
  1. (Optional) In the Hierarchies Mapping expander, drag an additional hierarchical structure (physical and/or logical according to the database contents) from the System Browser position where you want to import.
    ATTENTION: Carefully select and drag the node to the correct position, as you cannot change it later. The only way to modify the additional import setting is to delete the destination node and create it again.
  1. In the Source Items list, click to select all files for import, or click to select an individual file.
    NOTE 1: You can filter the content of the lists by typing some search-matching characters in the fields above the lists (Type to search fields). The filter is removed if you delete the text.
    NOTE 2: If you are importing a database that was previously imported, you can choose to delete part of the existing configuration by selecting the check box called Delete unselected items from the views and leaving the panels to delete unselected.
  1. Click Import.
  • The configuration data is available in System Browser.
  • The Import Log button becomes available to show the import log.
  • A backup copy of the imported file is saved in the project folder, in the shared\Imported_Config_Files\[subsystem name]\ subfolder.
    The file is compressed into a ZIP file named after the current date and time. For example,
    NOTE: See also the configuration procedure of the backup folder (search for Handling Backup Size of Imported Files).
    You can control the disk space occupancy, and also disable the backup copy altogether.

In case of problems, see Handle Import Errors.

Objects limit in a project

Based on the hardware category of the installation, there is a limit to the number of objects a project can have.
- The system prevents you from performing imports that would exceed this limit.
- The system warns you if an import would approach this limit (90% or more of allowed objects). You can then choose whether to proceed.
- In a single XNET Network, the maximum number of XINC modules supported is 4. If the number is higher, the system warns you that you may experience performance and instability problems.
- In a single XNET Network monitored by the WAN driver, the maximum recommended number of panels is 5; exceeding this number may result in degraded performance. The maximum number of panels supported is 12; beyond that, the configuration is not supported and we recommend that you contact support.

Incorrect Interpretation of Messages

After first import, if the panel configuration is modified, you will need to import the configuration file again to align Desigo CC. Failing to import the latest configuration file may result in an incorrect interpretation of field messages. An Unidentified event is generated in all cases when a message is received with no corresponding data point.

Block Commands Configuration After Import
The block commands are automatically configured during the import based on the Single event acknowledge required parameter setting from the fire panel. Note that if you import multiple SiB-X metafiles and this setting is not consistent in all of them, you will need to check and adjust your block commands configuration.

Map Number in Object Description Text
If the imported file contains objects with a map number (a numerical reference configured at panel level to point to an external graphic); this number is placed as a suffix in the description text of the corresponding Desigo CC objects. For example, Automatic fire zone 1st floor - Map no. 700.