Recipient Import

The Import tab allows the user to import recipients from XML and CSV files and a department consisting of recipient users from an Active Directory.





Recipient import edit

Enables the editing of import options.


Import from XML

Allows the user to import recipients from an XML file.


Import from CSV

Allows the user to import recipients from a CSV file.


Import from Active Directory

Allows the user to import a department consisting of recipient users from an Active Directory.



In order to use the import feature, make sure you have enabled the Notification Application Rights. For more information, refer to the Enable Notification Application Rights section in Installation and Project Setup.


Import from XML

The Import from XML expander allows the user to import recipients from an XML file.


Import from XML Using Command

The Import From XML property on the Operation tab allows the user to import recipients from an XML file through automatable Desigo CC commands.

  • File Path: Displays the local XML file path of the MNS server.
  • Import XML: Displays the File Path field and Send button.
  • Send: Imports the XML file specified in the file path.


Import from CSV

The Import from CSV expander allows the user to import the recipients from a CSV file or configure a CSV mapping.


Import from CSV Using Command

The Import From CSV property on the Operation tab allows the user to import recipients from a CSV file through automatable Desigo CC commands.

  • Delete Users: Deletes the existing recipients which are not present in the CSV file and are imported using identical import type (CSV) and mapping.
  • Mapping: Specify the mapping for CSV import.
  • File Path: Displays the local CSV file path of the MNS server.
  • Import CSV: Displays the Delete Users, Mapping, File Path field and Send button.
  • Send: Imports the CSV file specified in the File Path field.


Import from Active Directory

The Import from Active Directory expander allows the user to import a department consisting of recipient users from an Active Directory.


Import from Active Directory Using Command

The Import from Active Directory property in the Operation tab allows the import of a department consisting of recipient users from an Active Directory.

  • AD Server: The Active Directory server address from which the departments containing the recipient users need to be imported.
  • Delete Users: Deletes the existing recipients which are not present in the Active Directory and are created by using identical import type (Active Directory) and mapping.
  • Import AD: Displays the AD Server, Delete Users, Departments, Mapping fields and Send button.
  • Departments: Specify the departments selected for import.
  • Mapping: Specify the configured Active Directory mapping.
  • Send: Imports the recipients of the specified department from Active Directory server.