Secondary Pane

If the Primary pane is unlocked (horizontal pushpin icon ), then you can work with the following three additional report types in the Secondary pane:

  • New Report: Opens a new Report Definition for configuration.
  • Related Report: Opens the report related to the selected System Browser object.
  • Show in Related Items Report: Opens a report with the Show in Related Items check box selected.





Point Selection

Location of Point in the Application View or Management View of System Browser.


Report Definition Selection

Report Definition selected in the Related Items tab.


Executed Report Display

Location of selected Report Definition—before and after execution—with command toolbar to execute the Report Definition located on the left side of the Secondary pane.
NOTE: Executed Report Definitions display in Run Mode.


Report Management

Status details of the executed or currently running Report Definition.


Report Definition Properties

Properties (Last Run, Summary Status, and Show in Related Items) displayed in the Extended Operation tab.