Run the Setup Exe

  • Select the Gms.InstallerSetup.exe file located in the InstallFiles folder and double-click to run.
  • The Welcome to the Desigo CC Install Wizard dialog box displays.
  • A User Account Control message may display, if your UAC settings are set to Default or Always Notify, asking you if you want to allow this installation program to make changes to the computer. Click Yes (see Changing User Account Control Settings).
  • A error message may display, if the operating system is not supported by Desigo CC . Click OK to abort the installation. Click View Log to open the log file, which informs you about the supported operating systems.
  • A confirmation message may display if the installation, uninstallation, or repair of another program is in progress. To continue with Desigo CC installation, click Yes. Otherwise, wait for the program to complete its installation, uninstallation, or repair by clicking No and rerun the Gms.InstallerSetup.exe file.
  • The Welcome to the Desigo CC Install Wizard dialog box displays.