Point Centered Display Mode

Point Centered Display mode ensures that a selected data point or group of data points will always be centered in the Graphics Viewer.

For example, you might be required to put a data point in this mode if you are monitoring a fire system in a chemical manufacturing facility with key sensors that must always be viewed. Enabling the Point Centered Display mode for a Point in this scenario ensures that the data point does not blend in with and become lost among surrounding objects on the graphic.

Or, if, for example, you are monitoring a fire system in a pharmaceutical manufacturing facility with key areas that must always be viewed, you can enable the Group mode, to ensure that the selected point and its siblings are always selected; therefore, the group of points are always centered and easily visible. In Group mode, siblings are all data points with the same parent as the selected data point. Those siblings are retrieved from the currently selected view when the selection in System Browser changes. This means that selecting the same data point in different views, such as Logical or Management View, could return different siblings, and therefore change the centering of the graphic.

To implement the feature, a data point object is selected in System Browser. The System Manager application then opens the Graphics Viewer and displays the point’s default graphic, and if applicable, its viewport and depth. From the Graphics Viewer toolbar select Point Centered Display mode button, and select Point or Group, depending on the object. To disable the centering, select the mode’s None option.

While in Point Centered Display mode, you cannot pan the object. However, you can select any zoom factor without affecting centering in the viewport or you can select another symbol to shift the focus to another object or Symbol.