Modifying Scheduler and Calendar Entries

The workflows below let you add a new operation mode in a scheduler and create a new exception date.


Modifying Scheduler Times

Scenario: On Monday morning, room temperatures are too low. You want to add a period with Pre-Comfort operating mode.

Overview of Engineered Times
  1. In System Browser, select the desired scheduler type:
    - Analog Scheduler
    - Binary Scheduler
    - Multistate Scheduler
    - Scheduler
  1. Click the desired scheduler.
  • The scheduler information displays.
  1. Select the Week tab.
  1. Select the desired day (for example, Monday).
  1. Right-click the empty space of the schedule entry that you want to change.
  1. On the menu that displays, select Add Weekly Entry.
  1. Select the Schedule Entries tab.
  1. Do the following:
    a. Select the highlighted row.
    b. Clear the Default check box.
    c. In the Exceptions drop-down list, change the entry from Economy to Pre-Comfort.
    d. For Pre-Comfort operating mode, define the start time (for example, 5.00 AM).
  1. Click Save .
  • The changed times are written to the automation station.
Changed Scheduler Times with Pre-Comfort Mode


Modifying Calendar Dates

Scenario: Your calendar 1 is already set to exception status (here: operating mode Economy) for January 1. You want to re-use this exception status for the vacation time in July.

Scheduler with Assigned Calendar Exception January 1.
  1. In System Browser, select Calendar.
  1. Click Calendar 1.
  • The calendar 1 information displays.
  1. In the Calendar Entries section, click New.
  • A new Exception Times expander opens.
  1. Do the following:
    a. Select the option Data range.
    b. Clear the Start date check box Advanced.
    c. In the drop-down list, select the start date of the vacation period.
    d. Clear the End date check box Advanced.
    e. In the drop-down list, select the end date of the vacation period.
  • The vacation range displays in blue color.
  1. Click Save .
  1. To finalize the scheduler entries, do the following:
    a. In System Browser, select the scheduler with the assigned calendar.
    b. Select the Exception tab.
    c. In the Exception Period expander, select the option Calendar.
    d. In the Calendar drop-down list, select Calendar 1.
    e. In the Exception Times expander, check the assigned operating mode (the check box None must be cleared).
    f. Click Save .
  • The scheduler is in Economy operating mode during the vacation period (red lines displayed as exception).
Scheduler with Newly Assigned Calendar Settings

For next year’s vacation period you can re-use this exception and adjust the dates.


Comparing Time Settings of Multiple Schedulers

Scenario: You want to compare the time settings of multiple schedulers.

  1. In System Browser, select the first scheduler.
  1. Click the desired scheduler.
  • The scheduler information displays.
  1. Select the Timeline tab.
  • The time settings display as a row.
  1. Press and hold the CTRL key and select all schedulers that you want to compare.