Related Items Tab

The Related Items tab displays New Report, Related Report, and Show-in Related Items Report as a link or icon on selection of a System Browser object.

New Report

This report is always available for quick access to a new Report Definition (as a link or icon) in the Related Items tab upon selection of a System Browser object.
On clicking the New Report link/icon, a new Report Definition opens in the Secondary pane (if the Primary pane is unlocked – pushpin horizontal).
This Report Definition, by default, contains the Objects table with the Name filter set to the selected object in System Browser.
If you select a Trend View Definition/Graphic Definition in System Browser and click the New Report link/icon,
then the Report Definition contains a trend plot/graphics plot with the Name filter set to the selected Trend View Definition/Graphic Definition.
If multiple objects are selected in System Browser, such as Graphics Definitions, Trend Definitions or BACnet devices/points and you click the New Report link/icon in the Related Items tab,
all the selected objects are set as Name filters for the Objects table (no graphics plot, trends plot). You can then configure and run this report as usual.

Related Report

If the selected System Browser object is defined as a Name filter in a report, then this report becomes a related report for that object and displays as a link/icon in the Related Items tab.
On clicking this link/icon, the related report runs. During the related report execution, the data is retrieved according to the Name filter set for the report element in the Report Definition.
The Name filter set in the report element is not replaced by the selected System Browser object.
For example, if an Event Details report is present in the Related Items tab, it can be run for the selected event in the Event List.

Ensure that in a Report Definition, you have set the complete path of the system object as the Name filter (without any wild cards). If a wild card (? or *) is used in the Name filter, then this Report Definition is not set as a related report and does not display in the Related Items tab.

Show in Related Items Report

When you select a System Browser object, the reports having Show In Related Items check box selected are displayed (as a link/icon) in the Related Items tab.
On clicking the link/icon, the report executes. During the report execution, the Name filter is set to the path of the selected object in System Browser.
If a Name filter was configured in the report, it is replaced with the path of the selected object.