Configure the Service Account

Do the following procedure to change the existing values for the Service account user.

  1. The Windows (domain/local) user to be configured as Service account user has Log On as Service right set.
  1. In the Services expander, from the list of services, select a service for which you want to change the Service account user.
    NOTE: You cannot change the Service account user for the project's Pmon service, GMS_WCCILpmon_[Project Name].
  2. The Service Account expander displays the currently configured Service account user of the selected service. (See Service Account expander in Services expander)
  3. To configure a service account other than the default Local system account, select Specific Account.
  4. Click Browse to select and configure a new Service account user for the selected service.
  5. The Select User dialog box displays.
  6. You can either select an existing user from the Current Station tab or click the Other Domains tab; then from the available list of domains do the following:
    a. Select a Domain.
    b. Type a Username or User account.
    c. Click Check Name to locate all matching or similar object names listed in the Enter username or user account in the selected domain.
    d. Select the user name that displays in the list.
  7. Click OK.
  8. In the Service Account expander, enter the password.
  9. Click Apply.
  10. The selected user is set as the Service account user for the selected service. Note that all the unsaved services whose current Service account user is changed are indicated in red.
  11. If necessary, repeat steps 2 to 9 to configure the Service account user for any other listed service.
  12. Click Save.
  13. The Service account user is set.