Add the Distribution Partner Project in Manual Mode

This is the next step after enabling distribution. For working with projects in distribution, you must add and configure the distribution partner projects.

This procedure describes, for a stopped or a started project, how to add the distribution partner project in Manual mode.

For adding the distribution partner project on the same server, you can use the Stand-alone, Secured or Unsecured projects. However, for adding the distribution partner projects from a different server, it is recommended that you only add those distribution partner projects which are Secured (with certificates).

  • At least one project (started or stopped) is available under the Projects folder, and you have enabled distribution for this project.
  • You also have provided a unique Dist port number and saved the project.
  • You have shared the project folder for all distribution partner projects with the user logged onto the operating system of the Originator project on the server.
  • The extensions of the distribution partner project are installed on the server of the Originator project.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project].
  1. Depending on whether the project is started or stopped, do one of the following:
  • Click Edit .
  • Click Change Distribution Info .
  1. Open the Distribution Participants expander.
  • A read-only entry for the current project (Originator) displays.
  1. In the Distribution Participants expander, click Add, to add the distribution partner project.
  • An empty row is added in the Distribution Participants expander.
  • An entry displaying the Current project (Originator) name and the default distribution Connection type Bi-directional () displays.
  1. In the Distribution Participants expander perform the following steps:
  • Server: Enter the server name either from the available domain or workgroup.
  • Project Name: Enter the name of the project with which you want to work in distribution.
  • System Name: Enter the System name of the project you have selected.
  • System ID: Enter the System ID of the project you have selected.
  • Shared Path: Enter the Shared project path of the Project that you have selected.
    NOTE: For the distribution partner project, on the same server as the Originator project, you can also enter the local path of the distribution participant project, for example [Installation Drive]:\[Installation Folder]\[Project Name] in the Shared Path field of the Distribution Participants expander. However, it is recommended to use the shared path.
    For the distribution partner project, on a different server than the Originator project, you must first share the project using the Project Shares expander. You must share the project with the user logged on to the operating system of the server (Originator system) and manually enter in the shared project path.
  • WCF Port: (Optional and required only when you have edited the WCF port of the partner system.) In the Distribution Participants expander, move the scrollbar to display the WCF port. Provide the Service port number to match the Service port number of the selected distribution partner project. The default port number is 8888.
  • To add the extensions, click the Extensions button.
  • The Select Project Extensions dialog box displays.
  • Expand the extension suite’s name and select only the extensions configured in the distribution partner project. Select the extension suite to select all the extensions listed under the extension suite.
  • Click OK.
  • Depending on the selection of extension modules, the Extensions column is updated and displays either the name of the extension module, when you configure a single extension module, or <multiple>, when there are many extensions in the project, or <none> (default) when no extension is configured.
  • The Profiles expander is updated with the profiles for the selected distributed participant project, along with the profiles of the extensions configured.
  1. Open the Distribution Connections expander and perform the following steps:
  • (Optional and required only when you want to change the default Connection type and configure the projects as Hierarchical distributed system.) Modify the default distribution Connection change bi-directional () to unidirectional either () or ().
  • Partner Dist Port: Enter the Partner Dist Port number of the project that you have configured in distribution.
  • Partner Proxy Port: (Optional and required only when the distribution partner project is secured with certificates and is on the different server.) Enter the Partner Proxy Port number of the secured project that you have configured in distribution.
  1. Click Save Project .
    You cannot save the Originator project having multiple distribution partners with the same System name and System ID.
  • A distribution partner projects entry is added to the Local System’s Originator project using Manual mode.
    NOTE: Once the distribution Partner project’s entry is added, even if you disable the distribution by clearing the Distribution participant check box, the distribution Partner entry is not removed. You must select the specific entry and remove it. For more information, see Removing the Distribution Partner Project Entry.
  • If the selected project is a running project, a message displays asking you to restart the project.
  1. Click OK.
  1. Restart the project, by clicking Stop , and then clicking Start .