Log On for the Setup and Service Assistant V5.1

Scenario: You want to enter the Desigo Automation profile data for the Setup and Service Assistant to connect to the Desigo automation station. It can be defined for each Desigo automation station so that a subsequent log on is not required.

You do not need to reenter the password for the Setup and Service Assistant if you already set a password for Backup and Restore.

  • The Desigo automation station is online.
  1. Select Project > Subsystem Networks > [Network name] > Hardware > [Automation station].
  1. Click the BACnet tab.
  1. Enter the data for the Setup and Service Assistant:
    a. Reinitialize password: Password for the Desigo automation station.
    b. Confirm password: Confirm the password for the Desigo automation station.
  1. Click Save .
  1. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 for additional Desigo automation stations.