Run Data Import

  • You selected Automatic Import in step 6.
  • You cleared check box Import all elements in step 6.
  1. Click the Source list .
    NOTE: If Delete unselected items from the views is selected, all automation stations and linked objects are deleted that are not in the selected import file. The main nodes must be manually deleted in the Logical View and User View.
  1. Click Import.
  • The import procedure starts with the first file in the Items to Import list. The State can be: Completed, Failed, In progress (%), Partially completed [numbers of failed instances].
  • A message is displayed at the end of the import process that summarizes the results in a detailed log. Click Import log.
  • NOTE: The import is not executed if the number of data points exceeds system limits. Check the Number of data points entered in project size.
  1. Click OK.