Configure the Function

Once you have a function available at your customization level, you edit or configure its settings.

Configure an Existing Function

  • The function you want to configure is available at your customization level.
  1. In System Browser, select the function you want to configure, for example: Project > System Settings > Libraries > L4-Project > BA > Air system > Functions > SensorAirFlow.
  1. Select the Models & Functions tab.
  1. Open the Properties expander.
  • Any properties already configured for this function display in the Property list.
  1. To create a new property:
    a. Click Add.
    b. Enter a name for the property.
    c. Click OK.
  1. To remove a property:
    a. Select the property in the list.
    b. Click Remove.
  1. To configure a property, select it in the Property list then complete the following:
  1. Repeat the preceding step for all the properties you want to configure.
  1. To associate a symbol or graphic to the function, see Assigning Graphics / Symbols to an Object Model or Function.
  1. Click Save .