Operator Tasks Reminders in Event List

The Desigo CC station generates events in Event List if:

Task Status

Reminder in Event List



Operator Tasks.DeferredTasks

When a task is deferred or a new task is running, the relevant event is automatically cleared from Event List when the task status changes.


Operator Tasks.RunningTasks

Ready to be closed

Operator Task.ExpiredTasks

These events disappear from Event List when you acknowledge them and close the relevant tasks.


Operator Task.FailedTasks


Operator Tasks.ExpiredTasksException

In Event List, such events are grouped together under the corresponding parent event.

  • Each parent event acts as a container of the corresponding events.
  • The Counter column indicates the total number of occurred notifications per type.
    This counter automatically increments whenever the same event occurs.

In case of revert actions, when the revert command is executed the event is cleared from Event List, and a new event is generated depending on the task status.


Depending on subsystem configuration, it might be required to manually clear the event from Event List.