Tasks General Settings

In the Tasks tab, the General Settings expander lets you view or modify the name/description of a task, and when it begins and ends.
Click Edit to modify these settings.


Task name

  • The default task name has the form <template name>#<sequential number>, for example, Suppress Alarms #2.
  • You can modify the name when the task status is Idle.
  • The task name you enter must be unique.

For each task, the status details and due date are also provided next to the Task name field.



  • The default description is taken from the template. It typically indicates what action the task performs, and which are its intended target objects.
  • You can modify the description when the task status is Idle or Failed.


Start date

Sets when the task will begin:

  • Immediately at task start: the task starts as soon as the Start command is clicked.
  • At: The task starts at the specified date and time after the Start command is clicked. This must be a date in the future.
  • In: The task starts after the specified delay has elapsed from when the Start command is clicked. Cannot be zero.


Due date

Sets when the task will end. When a task reaches the specified due date, depending on configuration the task may then be automatically or manually reverted.

  • At: The task ends at the specified date and time. Must be subsequent to when it starts.
  • In: The task ends when the specified duration has elapsed from when the Start command is clicked. Cannot be zero.