Element Types
Type String | Description |
STRUCT | Structure |
CHAR | Character |
UINT | Unsigned integer |
INT | Integer |
FLOAT | Double |
BOOL | Boolean |
BIT | Bit Pattern |
STRING | Text |
TIME | Data-Time |
DPID | Data Point Instance Reference |
LANGSTRING | Multilanguage text |
BLOB | Blob |
BIT64 | 64-bit pattern |
LONG | 64-bit integer |
ULONG | 64-bit unsigned integer |
REF | Reference to another existing data point type |
ARRAYCHAR | Dynamic array of characters |
ARRAYUINT | Dynamic array of unsigned integers |
ARRAYINT | Dynamic array of integers |
ARRAYFLOAT | Dynamic array of doubles |
ARRAYBOOL | Dynamic array of booleans |
ARRAYBIT | Dynamic array of bit patterns |
ARRAYSTRING | Dynamic array of texts |
ARRAYTIME | Dynamic array of date-time values |
ARRAYDPID | Dynamic array of data point instance references |
ARRAYLANGSTRING | Dynamic array of multilanguage texts |
ARRAYBLOB | Dynamic array of blob values |
ARRAYBIT64 | Dynamic array of 64-bit patterns |
ARRAYLONG | Dynamic array of 64-bit integers |
ARRAYULONG | Dynamic array of 64-bit unsigned integers |
SETCHAR | Set of character elements |
SETUINT | Set of unsigned integer elements |
SETINT | Set of integer elements |
SETFLOAT | Set of double elements |
SETBOOL | Set of Boolean Elements |
SETBIT | Set of Bit Pattern Elements |
SETSTRING | Set of Text Elements |
SETTIME | Set of Date-Time Elements |
SETDPID | Set of Data Point Instance Reference Elements |
SETLANGSTRING | Set of Multilanguage Text Elements |
SETBLOB | Set of Blob Elements |
SETBIT64 | Set of 64-bits pattern elements |
SETLONG | Set of 64-bit integer elements |
SETULONG | Set of 64-bit unsigned integer elements |
It is also possible to define in the JSON file some mandatory Data Points Elements that must be added to all the Data Points Types created.
In this case, the syntax to be used is the same as for the standard Data Point Type, but the name of the Data Point Type must be an asterisk (*).
"DPTData": {
"DPTS": [
"Name": "*",
"DPES": [
{ "Name": "MyMandatoryFields", "PVSSTYPE": { "PvssType": "REF", "Ref": "_GmsMyMandatoryFields" } }
"Name": "Test_NormalPoint",
"DPES": [
{ "Name": "Char_Value", "PVSSTYPE": { "PvssType": "CHAR" } },
{ "Name": "UInt_Value", "PVSSTYPE": { "PvssType": "UINT" } },
{ "Name": "Enum_Value", "PVSSTYPE": { "PvssType": "UINT" } },
{ "Name": "Int_Value", "PVSSTYPE": { "PvssType": "INT" } },
{ "Name": "Float_Value", "PVSSTYPE": { "PvssType": "FLOAT" } },
{ "Name": "Bool_Value", "PVSSTYPE": { "PvssType": "BOOL" } },
{ "Name": "Bit32_Value", "PVSSTYPE": { "PvssType": "BIT" } },
{ "Name": "Duration_Value", "PVSSTYPE": { "PvssType": "UINT" } }
As every Data Point Type must have references to _GmsRelatedItems and _GmsStatusPropagation, those references – if not present in the file - are automatically added during the import and it is not necessary to declare them in the JSON file.
Also, the property SuppressAlarms is automatically added, if not present in the JSON file, and in this case, it is configured with the standard configuration data. If it is necessary to set different values, with respect to the default ones, the property SuppressAlarms must be explicitly added to the JSON file.