Disable the Distribution for a Project

  1. At least one stopped project is available under the Projects folder which is enabled for distribution.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project].
  2. Click Edit .
  3. Clear the Distribution participant check box.
  4. This disables the Dist port field and the Data master check box disappears.
  5. The Query Cache check box remains selected, unless you manually clear it. On clearing it the Query Cache port field is disabled.
  6. The entries for the Local System, as well as for the Partner System are not removed. You must remove the Partner project entry by clicking Remove.
  7. Click Save Project .
  8. A message displays.
  9. Click OK.
    NOTE: Since you have changed the project settings of the server project, you must align all the linked web applications in the client project with the modified settings. (see Aligning a Web Application with the Server Project)
  1. The distribution for the selected project is disabled.