Troubleshooting Event Schemas

Troubleshooting Event Schemas Inconsistencies

If event schemas are consistent in the main system and subordinate system, in the Operation or Extended Operation tab, the property Event Schema Consistency Status of the System Settings node in the Operation or Extended Operation tab will indicate: No error.

In case of event schema inconsistencies between the configuration of the main system and the subordinate system an alarm occurs, and the property Event Schema Consistency Status will indicate one of the following error conditions:

  • Event Schema is missing
  • Inconsistent Discipline in Event Mapping
  • Inconsistent Category in Event Mapping
  • Inconsistent Alarm Class in Event Mapping
  • Inconsistent Sound File in Event Mapping
  • Inconsistent Color in Category Mapping
  • Inconsistent Default Category in Category Mapping
  • Inconsistent Category Identifier in Category Mapping
  • Inconsistent Category Text in Category Mapping


  • Export the library of the subject event schema belonging to the main system and then import it to the subordinate system.

Missing Event Categories in New Event Schema

After a change of Event Schema in the Events library, some event categories are missing in the lamps of the Summary bar.


If the Event Schema adds new event categories to the project, you must enable such new event categories in the Event Rights expander of the Security node:

  • For all the required user groups scopes, configure the Event Rights of the new event categories as necessary for users to handle the events.
    See Configuring Event Rights.