Search Filter Dialog Box

The Search Filter dialog box allows you to view a search filter condition and specify a filter condition on the columns that are not present in the log view.
It also allows you to view, modify, and delete a combined search filter expression. You can apply the search filter on all columns except columns of type date and time.

Search Filter Dialog Box Components



Available Columns1

Lists all the available columns from the Activities and Events Log.


Lists all the operators associated with a specific column selected in Available Columns.


Lists all the values associated with a specific column selected in the Available Columns list. You can also select multiple values by pressing CTRL or SHIFT and selecting multiple values.
NOTE: Multiple values can be typed within braces {} and separated by a semicolon (;).

Filter expression field

Displays the filter expression. You can edit a filter expression in this field.
NOTE: An invalid filter expression displays in red.


Allows you to add or update a filter expression. Update is enabled only when a valid filter expression is added or modified in the Filter expression field.


This is a logical operator that allows you to combine filter expressions and create complex filters. This button is unavailable until a filter expression is added to the Filter expression field.

"( ) "

Allows you to group filter conditions, which define the order of their evaluation. These brackets are unavailable until a filter expression is added to the Filter expression field.