Management Station Calendar Workspace

This section provides an overview of the Management Station Calendar Workspace.

Calendars allow you to override scheduled switch commands. In this sense, you can consider calendars as exception schedules, consisting of dates only.
When you create a calendar, you can choose specific dates (January 15), a date range (August 1 – 31), or a week and a day you want the exception to run (third week of the month, on Wednesday).
All calendars are associated with a schedule.
For example, if you want to reduce energy costs in your building during company holidays, you can create a schedule with a calendar reference exception that commands equipment into holiday mode.

This section provides an overview of the Management Station Calendar Workspace.

Calendars allow you to override scheduled switch commands. In this sense, you can consider calendars as exception schedules, consisting of dates only.
When you create a calendar, you can choose specific dates (January 15), a date range (August 1 – 31), or a week and a day you want the exception to run (third week of the month, on Wednesday).
All calendars are associated with a schedule.
For example, if you want to reduce energy costs in your building during company holidays, you can create a schedule with a calendar reference exception that commands equipment into holiday mode.





New Button

Opens a new calendar entry.


Applied Schedules

Displays a list of schedules referencing the calendar.


Scheduler Toolbar

Includes the following icons:
New: Opens a New BACnet Schedule, New Management Station Schedule, New BACnet Calendar, New Management Station Calendar, or New BACnet Command Table.
Save: Saves the calendar to the system.
Save As: Allows you to save another instance of the calendar with a different name and description.
Delete: Deletes the calendar from the system.


Calendar Name

Displays the name of the calendar.


Date Picker

Displays a monthly calendar with entry dates highlighted. When first displayed or refreshed, the current day is selected by default.


Calendar Entries

Displays a list of entries representing start and end dates and recurrence patterns.