Restore an NDB Backup

  • SQL Server or SQL Server Express is available.
  • A named instance is available on the SQL Server.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Database Infrastructure > [SQL Server Name].
    NOTE: Do not select an existing NDB.
  1. Click Restore and select Restore Notification DB.
  1. Select the Database Information expander and type a new NDB Name (no special characters or spaces).
  1. Select the Files and Paths expander and type the following data:
  • Data file: C:\Gmsdatabases\NDB.mdf
  • Log file: C:\Gmsdatabases\NDB.ldf
  • Backup file: C:\Gmsdatabases\Backups\NDB.bak
  • Recovery log path: C:\Gmsdatabases\Backups\RecoveryLog
  • Restore file: F:\[MyProjectNDB]\NDB.bak
  1. Select the Security expander and check the displayed user names.
    a. DB owner: SMC user who requires HDB owner rights. You can change it as required.
    b. DB user: Project user who requires NDB user rights for read and write operations.
    c. DB service user: Service user who requires NDB service user rights for maintenance operations.
    NOTE: For more information on the security expander, refer to the Security Expander section in the Notification Database Configuration in SMC topic.
  1. Click Save .
  1. Click Yes to restore a backup file.
  • The NDB is read back and displayed in the SMC tree. The NDB status is seen as outdated if the restored NDB needs an upgrade.
  • The NDB is started automatically following successful restore.