Set a Script to Execute Automatically on Project Startup

You can configure a script so that it executes automatically when the Desigo CC project starts up. Since such a script is not started manually by any user, you will also need to specify with what user credentials the script should run.

  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  • The script you want to start automatically is available and enabled for execution.
  1. In System Browser, select Applications > Logics > Scripts > [scripts folder] > [script].
  1. In the Script Editor tab, click Set Execution Credentials .
  1. In the Script Editor dialog box, enter a user name and password of the user that will execute the script under credentials.
    NOTE: You must choose a user with the appropriate privileges.
  1. Click OK.
  • If the credentials provided are valid and the user is enabled, the username will be set for the script manual or automatic execution.
  1. In the Operation tab, alongside Execution Mode:
    Select Automatic.
    b. Click Change.
  • The script will be executed automatically on project startup, using the credentials that you specified.

If the execution credentials are later cleared from this script, or if that user is removed from the project, the Execution Mode of the script will be set back to Manual.

Disable Automatic Execution of the Script

If you later want to disable automatic execution of this script at project startup, do the following:

  1. In System Browser, select Applications > Logics > Scripts > [scripts folder] > [script].
  1. in the Operation tab, alongside Execution Mode:
    a. Select Manual.
    b. Click Change.
  • The script will no longer be executed automatically on project startup, but it can still be started manually.