Export a WMI UPS Configuration to a File

Once Desigo CC is configured to monitor a UPS, you can export the configuration data for this UPS to a file for later reuse.

  1. Under one of the following paths, select the WMI UPS object whose configuration you want to export:
  • Project > Management System > Servers > Main Server > [WMI UPS]
  • Project > Management System > Clients > [Client station] > [WMI UPS]
  • Project > Management System > FEPs > [FEP station] > [WMI UPS]
  • The System Management tab displays.
  1. Click Export .
  • The configuration data is exported to an XML file which is saved in the [Installation Drive]:\[Installation Folder]\[Project Name]\devices folder.
    The naming convention for the exported file is: [class name].[Vendor And Type].[Version].[Device Type].