Command Line Parameters for the Adapter

The SORIS adapter has several command line parameters that you can use to change the settings and behavior of the adapter. Run the adapter with the following help flag to display the list: <SORISAdapter>.exe -?


The adapter is a program that allows communication between Desigo CC and a Smart Device service. The adapter can run as either a command line program or as a service when installed.


<AdapterName>.exe -[command] -<option1> -<option2>

NOTE: All commands and options must begin with a hyphen—for example, -service.



Installs and starts adapter as a service. If the adapter is already installed as a service, this command updates the service command line arguments.


Stops and uninstalls the service.


Opens the TCP connection with HTTPS security.
NOTE: Requires a security certificate to be installed.


Allows connections from remote clients. For security reasons, the adapter allows only local HTTP client connections by default.


Registers the adapter with mDNS. This option is required if the adapter needs to be discovered through a gateway.


Turns on client certificate authentication. Only clients with accepted client certificates can connect with the adapter.



Manually sets the IP address or Computer Name to be used for communication with the adapter. The primary, active IP address is used by default.


Manually sets the port number used for communication with the adapter. If multiple adapters are running on the same computer, each adapter needs a different port number. The default port is 8080.


Manually sets the Port number used for WebSocket communication with the adapter. If multiple adapters are running on the same computer, each adapter needs a different port number. The default port is 8005.
NOTE: This parameter is no longer used .NET Core or SORIS 3.4 and higher.


Defines an authorization method to enable the Graphical Web Interface.

authTypes Options:
-keycloak: uses local Auth0 server
-password: local password (for debug mode only)


Sets the URL path to the WSI web application.
NOTE: This is not set by default. Without setting WSI Path, Desigo CC will not be able to auto-login to SORIS Web Interface.


Manually changes the directory path used to discover the RDF (OWL) files.


Manually sets the Name of the service. The default name is the adapter executable name.


Turns on the option to log all adapter output to file. FileSize is an Optional parameter used to define the maximum file size of the log file in MegaBytes.


The Adapter endpoint is a unique string used to differentiate between multiple instances of the same adapter. The endpoint can be set either through command line arg or in the code.


<AdapterName>.exe -service -ip: -port:8085

This example installs the adapter as a service with the entered IP and port as command line arguments.