Handling Operator Tasks Unexpected Conditions


Operator Tasks Error Message

The following section describes how to handle the Operator Tasks common error conditions.



Do the following...

The wanted task is missing in the Add list, in the Tasks tab.

You are creating a new operator task, and when you click Add the wanted task is not available in the list.

  • See your system librarian.

Access denied to command group

You have no authorizations to send commands belonging to a certain command group specified in the template.

  • Delete the target that generates the error and assign a target for which you have appropriate authorizations.
  • Ask another operator with appropriate authorizations to start the task.

Access denied to event command

You have no authorizations to send a certain set of event commands.

Access denied to property

You have no authorizations to view a certain property.

No access rights

You have no authorizations to access certain properties or commands.

Unable to check access rights

The access rights cannot be read.

  • See your system administrator.

Command currently disabled

The command is currently disabled.

  • Wait until the command becomes enabled.

Command provider not running

A system component (for example, a driver) is not running.

  • Wait until the command provider is running again.

Command provider timeout

A system component (for example, a driver) did not respond within a certain timeout.

  • Wait until the command provider responds.

Invalid parameters

The template contains invalid parameters.

  • Ask someone who has appropriate authorizations to handle the configuration file to check and fix the template configuration.

Missing parameters

One or multiple parameters are missing in the template.

Parameters out of range

One or multiple parameters have out of range values.

Wrong type parameters

One or multiple parameters have wrong type values.

Property not found

The property does not exist.

Command alias not found

The alias does not exist.

Command name not found

The template contains:

  • Invalid property
  • Invalid command name


  • A command is not defined for a certain object.

No commands available

Command nor found

Execution error

Any other error different from what described for the errors above.

  • Ask someone who has appropriate authorizations to view the logs to analyze and fix the issue.

Generic error

Tasks Status Affected by Project Restart

If for any reason the project is to be stopped and restarted, this action will affect the tasks status as follows:

Before Project Restart

After Project Restart

Idle, Expired, Ready To Be Closed, Failed, or Closed

The task status remains unchanged.

Checking preconditions

The task remains in this status and a check of the preconditions is done again.

If the operator who started the task is no longer valid or the validation profile requires the operator’s input, the task status becomes Failed since it would not be possible to execute the commands successfully.

Executing Commands

The task remains in this status, and the commands are executed again.

If the operator who started the task is no longer valid or the validation profile requires the operator’s input, the task status changes to Failed, since it would not be possible to execute the commands successfully.

Running (or Running With Exception)

If the task expiration time is not elapsed, the task remains in this status following the standard workflow (that is, until the task expires, or a command is executed on the task).

If the task expiration time has elapsed:

  • If the task has no revert actions or has manual revert actions, the task status becomes Expired or Ready To Be Closed, depending on the condition.
  • If the task has automatic revert actions, the revert commands are executed and then the task starts waiting for conditions. If the operator who started the task is no longer valid or the validation profile requires the operator’s input, the revert action cannot be executed automatically. Consequently, the revert action mode is forced to manual.

Reverting Commands

The task remains in this status and the revert commands are executed again.

If the operator who executed the revert command is no longer valid or the validation profile requires the operator’s input, the revert command is not re-executed, and the task immediately starts to wait for conditions.

Waiting For Conditions

If the maximum timeout to wait for the conditions is elapsed, the conditions are checked immediately, otherwise the task starts to wait for conditions, following the standard workflow.


The task status becomes Closed.