Other Operation

Plant Operator Tableau

A plant operator tableau includes the most important information to control a plant. The operating state, setpoints, or output can be easily operated. NOTE: This function is not available on all projects.


Open Plant Tableau

  1. In System Browser, select Application View.
  1. Select Applications > Graphics > [graphics page].
    NOTE: The plant tableau opens when the graphic page is configured as the first page to be opened.
  1. The plant tableau opens as follows if the plant page is opened:
  • If the plant graphic is opened, click .
  • If the plant graphic is opened, click the Related items tab.
    a. Select Graphics.
    b. Click the link for the plant tableau.
  • The plant table displays.

Control the Plant

  1. Select the appropriate plant switch.
  1. In the drop-down list, select option Off, On, Auto, Stage 1, Stage 2.
  • The selected value is executed directly.

Changing a Setpoint

  1. Select the appropriate setpoint.
  1. Enter a new value.
  • The entered value is executed directly.

Switching Output

Manual switching is written at BACnet priority 8.

  1. Select the appropriate output.
  1. In the drop-down list, select option Off, On, Stage 1, Stage 2.
  • The selected value is executed directly.
    NOTE: Switching can only be executed as long as no security functions are pending.

Release Output

Manual switching is released at BACnet priority 8.

  1. Select the appropriate output.
  1. Click .
  • The output is released. The application program exercises control.