Edit Graphic for Room Template

Scenario: You have integrated your room units. Five graphic templates (project and room templates) are displayed on the graphic page; you can modify the display options as needed.

  • Replacement values can be displayed on the graphics page if your project has no central weather station function and data on outside temperature and air humidity is unavailable.
  • Select the option if a trend object is enabled on your device (option applies to preloaded devices) and you want to display the trend element on the graphics page with symbols.
  • Select this option to display the number of objects that are out of order or overridden on the graphics page.
Template settings
  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  • In System Browser, Logical View is selected.
  1. Select Project > System Settings > Libraries > L1-Headquarters > BA > Room > Room (TRA) > Graphic template options.
  • The Object Configurator tab displays.
  1. Select the one of the following options:
  • TRA room display out of order in alarm overview
  • TRA room display of outside air humidity
  • TRA room display of outside temperature
  • TRA room display overrides alarm overview
  • TRA room display of trend object in room
  1. In the Operation tab, select the Value property.
    a. In the drop-down list, select Yes to use the template option in question.
    b. Click Change.
  1. Repeat the Steps 2 and 3 for all template options.