Customizing the Node Map

The objects that appear in the Node Map--and in Device View on Flex client--are configured in system library entries called Node Map Settings. You can modify the system libraries to add or remove items, or to change the symbols that represent them.

For background information, see the configuration reference section.


System malfunction

Incorrect modifications to system libraries will cause the product to malfunction.
Do not modify system libraries unless you have enough knowledge and experience to change them without destroying or corrupting crucial data.



  • You are authorized and trained to customize the system libraries.
  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  • System Browser is in Management View.


Customize the Device Library

Skip this section if the customized device library already exists.

  1. In System Browser, select ... > Libraries > L1-Headquarter > [discipline folder] > Device > [device library].
    For example, for FS20 UL Desigo Fire:
    ... > Libraries > L1-Headquarter > Fire > Device > FS20UL.
  1. Select the Library Configurator tab.
  1. Click Customize the entire library to a lower level .
  1. Click OK.
  • The structure of the device library is duplicated under the allowed customization level. For example, […] > L4-Project > Fire > Device > FS20UL.


Add a Node Map Settings Folder to a Library

To add a device to the Node Map or to Device View, you first need to have a Node Map Settings folder under the device library.
Skip this section if such a folder already exists. Otherwise, you can create it as follows.

  • You have a customized device library.
  1. At your allowed customization level, select ... > Libraries > [...] > [discipline folder] > Device > [device library].
    For example, for FS20 UL Desigo Fire:
    ... > Libraries > L4-Project > Fire > Device > FS20UL.
  1. In the Library Configurator tab, click New , and select New Node Map Settings Folder.
  1. In the New Library Block area, enter Version (typically 1.0), Revision (typically 0), Date and optional Notes.
  1. Click Save .
  1. In the Create New Object dialog box, click OK.
  • The new Node Map Settings folder is added to System Browser under the selected library.


Add a New Device to Node Map or Device View

  • A Node Map Settings folder exists in the customized device library.
  1. Select ... > Libraries > [...] > [discipline folder] > Device > [device library] > Node Map Settings.
    For example, for CS11 AlgoRex:
    ... > Libraries > L4-Project > Fire > Device > CS11 > Node Map Settings.
  1. In the Library Configurator tab, click New , and select New Node Map Settings.
  1. In the Create New Object dialog box, enter a name and description.
    NOTE: Choose a name and description that refer to the specific panel/device that you want to add.
  1. Click OK.
  • The new item is added to System Browser under Node Map Settings, and automatically selected.
  1. Select the Extended Operation tab.
  1. Next to the Object Model property:
  • Click Modify and enter the object model of the device that you want to add. For example, GMS_CC11.
  • Then click Send.
  1. Next to the Flex Client Only property:
  • Set True to show this device only in the Flex client Device View, or
    Set False to show this device in both Device View and Node Map.
  • Then click Modify.
  1. Configure the remaining properties as needed. For more information, see Node Map.:
  • Configuration ID: Select Application NodeMap.
  • Symbol Style: Enter the graphical style to represent object model in:stances in the node map. The default symbol of the style will be used.
  • Sort Order: Enter 0 if no sorting is required, or a value from 1 to 5 to set a sorting priority (1= first, 5 =last).
  • Symbol Reference: Optional field where you can set a specific symbol that will represent the object model instances in the node map.
  • Include Hidden Alarms: Set to True to take into consideration hidden alarms that do not display in Event List.
    NOTE: The other parameters (Group…) are not used by the DMS Node Map application.
  1. Click Save .
  1. (Optional) In the Library Configurator tab, update the version information of the Node Map Settings block to reflect the changes made.


Hide a Device in Node Map or Device View

  1. Select the device entry in either the headquarters or customized device library
    ... > Libraries > [...] > [discipline folder] > Device > [device library] > Node Map Settings > [device entry].
  1. Select the Extended Operation tab.
  1. To remove this device from Node Map, but retain it in Device View:
  • Set the Flex Client Only property to True.
  • Click Modify.
  1. To remove this device completely, from both Node Map and Device View:
  • Set the Configuration ID property to Configured but inactive.
  • Click Send.

NOTE: If you later want to unhide the device, change the Configuration ID property back to Application NodeMap.