SNMP Data Types Relationship

The following table describes the data types relationship. In particular, it includes:

  • SNMP Data Types used and tested with the current version of Desigo CC.
  • Min and Max values (size) that each Data Type can take (where applicable).
  • Data Types syntax to use when creating the CSV import files (for the SNMP object model).
  • Data Types that can be used in the SNMP object model. The types available in Desigo CC are strictly depending on the Data Types defined in the CSV import file.
  • Data Types to use in Desigo CC when configuring the SNMP device.

SNMP Data Types


Syntax to use in CSV import file

In Desigo CC Object Model

In Desigo CC SNMP device


Since the Integer data type is often used to enumerate values within the context of a single object, it can be combined with either the GmsInt (if numeric values are used) or GmsEnum data types (if textual conditions must be represented based on numeric values).
Example of Integer use: the operational status of a router interface can be up, down, or testing; with enumerated types: 1 indicates up, 2 indicates down, and 3 indicates testing.