Audio Alert

The audio alert is the sound emitted by a client station to notify the operator of events in Desigo CC. (If a site has multiple client stations, each one will emit its own audio alert.)

When a new event occurs, the client station emits an audio alert that continues for as long as that event remains unprocessed (that is, unacknowledged by the operator). If there are multiple incoming events, the audio alert continues to sound for as long as any of them remain unprocessed.

An icon on the Summary bar indicates the status of the audio alert. You can click this icon to temporarily silence the audio alert. Only in some profiles, you can also completely disable the audio alert. (A tooltip displays when you move the cursor over the icon, indicating which actions are available to you.)

The specific audio alert sound can vary depending on the type of event and is configuration-dependent. In case of multiple events, the audio alert sound will be the one for the most important (severe) event, irrespective of any filters or sorting you may have applied to Event List.

For related procedures, see Temporarily Mute the Audio Alert and Permanently Silence the Audio Alert.

Audio Alert Resound

The audio alert ceases when the incoming events have been acknowledged and it will resume after 24 hours if a previously-acknowledged event has still not been fully processed (closed) by then. Depending on the Client Profile, a warning message also displays on the Summary bar, for example, 24 hours Trouble resound: click here to silence. The operator can click this text to silence the audio alert.

Audio Alert Status


The system has detected a new event, or there are still events in the unprocessed state. You can temporarily silence or permanently turn off the audio alert.

Depending on the Client Profile this functionality may or may not be available to you.



You temporarily silenced the audio alert. After 24 hours the system will automatically re-activate the sound (audio alert reminder).



You completely disabled the audio alert. This means it is permanently turned off, and the system will not emit any sound when new events occur.

Depending on the Client Profile this status may or may not be available to you.