Handling Additional User Tasks

Read the instructions of the topic that most closely relates to the task you need to carry out.

See also System Menu.

Display the About Page

  • You want to view system information such as the Desigo CC version.
  1. In the Summary bar, select Menu > About Page or click the company logo.
  • The About dialog box displays, and shows general information about the software.
  1. (Optional) If you work on an installed client station, click System Info.
  • The System Information window displays detailed information about the client computer.
  1. Click OK.

Print from the System Menu

  • A printer was previously configured on the Desigo CC server.
  1. In the Summary bar, select Menu > Print.
  • The Printouts selection dialog box displays.
  1. (Optional) In the Printouts selection dialog box, do the following:
  • Clear the check boxes that correspond to the system application printouts you do not want to generate.
  • Click Move up or Move down to change the printout order.
  1. Click Preview.
  1. (Optional) In the Print Preview dialog box, do the following:
  • Use the zoom icon on the toolbar to zoom in/out and check the output. These toolbar controls only affect the preview, not the printout itself.
  • Adjust Margins (default is 50 pixels).
  • Select the desired Orientation (default is Landscape).
  • Select the Printer and Paper size.
  • Adjust Scaling (default is Fit to page) and, if available, color option.
  1. Click Print and Close.
  • The printout is sent to the selected printer.