Object Types

When you select an individual object, you have the option of several different views. For example, if you select a Binary Value object, you can display View All Properties or View Command Priority Array for that object. The Standard Object Types and Views table that follows gives a complete list of object types and associated views.

Object Type


Available View Types

Access Credential (AC)

View All Properties, View Credential Authentication Factors, View Assigned Access Rights.

Access Door (AD)

View All Properties, View Door Members, View Command Priority Array, View Event Timestamps

Access Point (AP)

View All Properties, View Authentication Policy List, View Policy Element_1, View Access Doors, View Event Timestamps

Access Rights (AR)

View All Properties, View Negative Access Rules, View Positive Access Rules

Access User (AU)

View All Properties, View Members, View Member Of List, View Credentials

Access Zone (AZ)

View All Properties, View Credentials in Zone, View Entry Points, View Exit Points, View Event Timestamps

Accumulator (ACC)

View All Properties, View Event Timestamps

Alert Enrollment (AE)

View All Properties, View Event Timestamps

Analog Input (AI)

View All Properties, View Event Timestamps

Analog Output (AO)

View All Properties, View Command Priority Array, View Event Timestamps

Analog Value (AV)

View All Properties, View Event Timestamps, View Command Priority Array

Averaging (AVG)

View All Properties

BACnet Network

View Device Log, View Object Log

BACnet Device

View Device Log, View Object Log

Binary Input (BI)

View All Properties, View Event Timestamps

Binary Lighting Output (BLO)

View All Properties, View Command Priority Array, View Event Timestamps

Binary Output (BO)

View All Properties, View Command Priority Array, View Event Timestamps

Binary Value (BV)

View All Properties, View Command Priority Array, View Event Timestamps

Bit String Value (BS)

View All Properties, View Command Priority Array, View Event Timestamps

Calendar (CAL)

View All Properties, View Date List

Channel (CH)

View All Properties, View Object References, View Event Timestamps

Character String Value (CS)

View All Properties, View Command Priority Array, View Event Timestamps

Command (CMD)

View All Properties, View Action List, View Action Text

Credential Data Input (CDI)


Date Pattern Value (DAP)

View All Properties, View Command Priority Array

Date Value (DA)

View All Properties, View Command Priority Array

DateTime Pattern Value (DTP)

View All Properties, View Command Priority Array

DateTime Value (DT)

View All Properties, View Command Priority Array

Elevator Group (EG)

View All Properties

Escalator (ESC)

View All Properties, View Event Timestamps

Event Enrollment (EE)

View All Properties, View Event Timestamps

Event Log (EL)

View All Properties, View Event Log Buffer, View Event Timestamps


View All Properties

Global Group (GG)

View All Properties

Group (GR)

View All Properties

Integer Value (IV)

View All Properties, View Command Priority Array, View Event Timestamps

Large Analog Value (LAV)

View All Properties, View Command Priority Array, View Event Timestamps

Life Safety Point (LSP)

View All Properties, View Event Timestamps, View Member of List

Life Safety Zone (LSZ)

View All Properties, View Event Timestamps, View Member of List, View Zone Members List

Lift (FLT)

View All Properties, View All Timestamps

Lighting Output (LO)

View All Properties, View Command Priority Array

Load Control (LC)

View All Properties, View Shed Level Descriptions, View Event Timestamps

Loop (LP)

View All Properties, View Event Timestamps

Multi-state Input (MI)

View All Properties, View Event Timestamps, View State Text

Multi-state Output (MO)

View All Properties, View State Text, View Command Priority Array

Multi-state Value (MV)

View All Properties, View Command Priority Array, View Event Timestamps, View State Text

Network Port (NP)

View All Properties

Network Security (NS)

View All Properties, View Network Access Security Policies

Notification Class (NC)

View All Properties, View Recipients List

Notification Forwarder (NF)

View All Properties

Octet String Value (OS)

View All Properties, View Command Priority Array

Positive Integer Value (PIV)

View All Properties, View Command Priority Array, View Event Timestamps

Program (PR)

View All Properties

Pulse Converter (PC)

View All Properties, View Event Timestamps

Schedule (SCH)

View All Properties, View Weekly Schedule, View Exception Schedule

Structured View (SV)

View All Properties, View Subordinate List, View Subordinate Annotations

Time Pattern Value (TPV

View All Properties, View Command Priority Array

Time Value (TV)

View All Properties, View Command Priority Array

Trend Log (TL)

View All Properties, View Trend Log Buffer, View Trend Log Buffer by Time, View Event Timestamps

Trend Log Multiple (TLM)

View All Properties, View Trend Log Buffer, View Object References, View Event Timestamps