
Alarms are a type of WOT (Web of Things) event that are sent through the SORIS adapter WebSocket connection to all registered clients. The adapter provides an alarm library and APIs to help generate, remove, send, and backup alarms. The alarm library also allows automatic and custom handling of alarm actions, such as Acknowledging an alarm.

SORIS supports alarming through the use of categories, which are handled in the management station alarm table or in the adapter. There are two types of alarming: workstation-based, and driver-based. Workstation-based alarming is defined in the management station, while driver-based alarming is defined in the adapter.

The SORIS alarm table is created when the SORISDriver feature is installed. If you create a new adapter and object model for third-party IoT devices, you must use the alarm table format that follows (same column names, same number of columns):