Hard Disk Drive Monitoring

You can configure Desigo CC to automatically monitor the hard drive of a server station, installed client or FEP station, so that it generates an alarm when that station’s hard drive is detected to be faulty.

You can also (only for the server station) configure disk capacity monitoring, so that an alarm is generated when the free disk space on the Desigo CC server station is detected to be insufficient.

HDD Monitoring Tasks

You can set up Desigo CC to monitor the integrity of the hard drive of a server, installed client, or FEP station. When you do this, an alarm in the Desigo CC station will occur when the monitored disk drive is detected to be faulty.

  • When you restore a project template, hard disk monitoring is automatically enabled for drive C: of the Desigo CC server station. If this default setting is correct, you can skip the configuration workflow for the server station. Otherwise, you must modify the drive letter that is monitored on the server.
  • For other station types (installed clients and FEPs) hard drive monitoring is not automatically configured and you must set it up.

You can additionally set up the system to generate an event when the disk capacity of the server station falls below a specified limit.

  • When restoring a project template, this limit is automatically set to 1 GB (1000 MB). We recommend the same setting when manually configuring this value.
  • When you upgrade the project to a newer version , the previous disk capacity monitoring settings may be lost. If so, you must re-configure them.

For instructions, see Monitoring the Hard Drive of a Station.