Security Certificates Workspace

When you click the Certificate node in the SMC tree, you can create Windows-store based and file based certificates using the toolbar controls.

Once created, the Windows-store based certificates must be imported in the Windows Certificate store for using them as default certificates in various SMC workflows. You can do this using the Default Certificates expander.

Create Certificate

Use Create Certificate to create any of the following certificates. For the very first time, most of the fields are blank.

For all subsequent root/host certificates you create, some fields, such as Path or Organization are pre-populated with information from the last-created root certificate.

Import Certificate

Use Import Certificate to import the Windows store certificate types (root, host, and self-signed) in the Windows Certificate store.

Default Certificates

Click Edit to set or modify the default (root, host, or self-signed) certificates, view details, and clear the default certificates.