
Views are mini-windows with specific functionality that allow you to display, create, test, or edit elements, graphics, and Symbols. The table below provides a description of each view in the Graphics Editor.



Aerial View

View the entire drawing area and active graphic at all times, while giving you the ability to zoom in on a specific area of the graphic.

Brush Editor

Modify your drawing elements with options such as colors, gradients, light angles, and other special effects to achieve a truly custom look.


Create, delete, rename, and change the properties of a depth, view a list of depths and layers and move them up or down the list to order them, associate depths to layers and display the size and Symbol scale factor.

Element Tree

Display, add, and delete layers associated with the active graphic or Symbol. All the drawing elements associated with the layers are also displayed in the Element Tree view. Elements within a layer can be ordered using the positioning arrows at the bottom of the view. Within the Element Tree you can also decide which layers, depths, or elements to display in Runtime or Design mode.

Evaluation Editor

Set and edit element properties of the active graphic or Symbol.

Find and Replace

Customize a search and replace (optional) for specific text, strings, values, and properties in all open graphics or all the graphics in your project.


View, set, and edit the properties of the selected elements on the canvas.

Library Browser

Preview, sort, select, and edit existing Symbols and their names. You can also resize a Symbol within the Library Browser.

Comparison Browser

Open another instance of the Library Browser to compare Symbols and graphic Templates from other libraries.

Value Simulator

Select, view, and adjust the settings for simulating property values to test how configured graphic settings will be applied in Runtime mode.

Status Bar


View Menu Bar

The following menu bar displays at the top of all views.


Views Menu Bar





Window Position Menu

Click the icon to choose from the following options from the Windows Position menu:

  • Floating: Undock the view, and then click and drag anywhere on your workspace.
  • Dockable: Click, drag, and snap a view to one of five (right, left, top, bottom, and center) set anchor locations in the workspace to dock the panel.
  • Auto-Hide: Hide the views dock panel from your workspace. Click the Views text button to slide the Views panel back into view. This option is only available when the panel is docked.
  • Hide: Close the view during your current Graphics Editor session. When you close out of a session, and then return to start a new session, the view will redisplay in the docking panel.



Hide the entire dock panel from your workspace. Click the Views text button to slide the Views panel back into view. This option is only available when the panel is docked.



Close the view and remove it from the docking panel.

Related Topics

For background information, see Views and Dock Panel.

For related procedures, see Arranging Views and Dock Panel Placement.