Textual Viewer

For procedures and workflows, see the step-by-step section.


Textual Viewer displays the details for one or more objects in the management platform. For example, after you select one or more objects from System Browser, Textual Viewer displays their common properties in list form.

Your selections can be either implicit or explicit. An implicit selection occurs when you click a parent object that has child objects associated with it. In this case, Textual Viewer displays the parent object in bold, followed by the child objects beneath it. An explicit selection occurs when you click a parent object that does not have child objects associated with it.

Making a New Primary Selection

Making a new primary selection in Textual Viewer is an efficient alternative to manually scrolling through the System Browser tree to look for an item. It is also quicker than performing a formal search for an object using the Search feature.

Using the Double-Click Function

The double-click function gives you the ability to investigate management platform information in increasing detail. For example, if you select a building in System Browser, Textual Viewer displays it, along with each of the floors of the building. When you double-click one of the floors, Textual Viewer displays the floor, along with the sensors that are installed on that floor. If you then double-click one of the sensors, Textual Viewer displays the sensor. If a graphic is associated with the sensor, a graphic displays. If not, text displays.

Working with Columns

You can sort information in the various columns by selecting the column headings, and you can rearrange the order of the columns by dragging them to the desired location. Additionally, you can hide or show columns using the Customize Columns tool, available by right-clicking a column heading, a row, or the scroll bars.

NOTE: By default, propagated properties do not display in Textual Viewer, but you can add them using the Customize Columns tool.