SNMP Device Monitoring

Management Information Base (MIB) Files

See MIB Files and MIB Browsers for SNMP Devices.

Monitoring of Predefined SNMP Devices

Desigo CC allows you to set up SNMP monitoring of some devices and properties pre-defined in the system. In general, the object models provided by default with the system—as part of the L1-Headquarter > Global > Base library—are typically sufficient to configure the monitoring of the following:

Monitoring of Custom SNMP Devices

If the default object models are insufficient or do not cover the device you want to monitor, you can configure custom object models and custom devices/properties for specific needs.

This involves creating an SNMP library into which you import and configure the SNMP data model for the device. See Defining a Custom SNMP Device.

Once you have defined a custom device, you can then configure the system to monitor it. See Configuring SNMP Monitoring of a Custom Device.