Properties and Commands of Operating Procedures and Steps

Properties and Commands of Operating Procedures

When you select an operating procedure, the Operation tab displays its properties and commands.





Operational Status

Indicates whether the operating procedure is enabled (meaning it is available to be executed):

  • Enabled: the operating procedure is currently active, and the Disable command is available.
  • Disabled: the operating procedure is currently inactive, and the Enable command is available.
  • Disable: Disabling an operating procedure prevents it from being executed by any operators or stations, while still retaining the operating procedure within the system. For example, you might do this for operating procedures that are not yet complete or ready to be put into general use.
  • Enable: Enabling an operating procedure makes it available to be executed by all authorized users of the system or by Desigo CC itself. If an operating procedure is disabled, you must enable it before you can execute it. Newly-created operating procedures are enabled by default.

Operating procedures can be enabled/disabled from here or from the operating procedures list.

For instructions, see Enabling or Disabling Operating Procedures.


Indicates the priority according to which an operating procedure will be executed (lower numbers=higher priority).

The priority of the procedures can be modified from the operating procedures list (see Main Operating Procedures Folder Workspace) or the operating procedure workspace (see General Settings of an Operating Procedure

Properties and Commands of Operating Procedure Steps

When you select an operating procedure step, the Operation tab displays its properties and commands.




Execution Mode

Indicates whether this is launched manually by the operator (Manual), automatically as soon as the triggering event occurs (Automatic on Creation), or automatically as soon as the operator starts handling the triggering event (Automatic on First Treatment).

  • Change

The execution mode of a procedure step can be modified from here or from the procedure step workspace. See General Settings of a Procedure Step.


Set whether this step is required to complete the procedure or can be skipped.



This parameter can be modified only from the procedure step workspace (see General Settings of a Procedure Step) or the operating procedure workspace (see General Settings of an Operating Procedure).


Indicates whether the step can be done more than once during the same operating procedure.



This parameter can be modified only from the procedure step workspace (see General Settings of a Procedure Step) or the operating procedure workspace (see General Settings of an Operating Procedure).