Verify and Enable the GMS Platform.XML File

The Instructions folder, if present, can contain one or more GMS Platform.txt configuration files, located at the path ..\InstallFiles\Instructions. This file contains the pre-configured installation options for silent or semi-automatic installation.


The instruction file (GMS Platform.txt file) is typically modified by the librarian / distribution manager.
For information on configuring, editing the GMS Platform.txt file for silent/semi-automatic installation contact your local distribution manager.

The Installer only refers to the GMS Platform.xml file during the silent and semi-automatic installation mode when you change the extension from .txt to .xml (GMS Platform.xml) and enable the GMS Platform.xml file.

If the Instructions folder is not available or the GMS Platform.xml file is invalid, the semi-automatic installation does not work. However, the Welcome to the Install Wizard dialog box displays and you can proceed with the installation using the custom installation mode.

Following are some important considerations that you must verify before proceeding with the semi-automatic or silent installation.


Silent installation and semi-automatic installation are only for new installations. Both these installation modes do not support upgrading to Desigo CC.
However, you can install additional extension modules or language packs, or reinstall the failed prerequisites or extension modules. For more information, see Additional Installer Procedures.
Installing service releases using the silent or semi-automatic installation (for all setup types - Server, Client and FEP) is only supported for Desigo CC Version 3.0 and later.

Additional Consideration For Silent Installation