
Depending on the installed room application, the operating workspace for a room can vary.

Single Room Operating
Single Room Operating


Changing the Room Operating Mode

Scenario: The office is occupied for longer than usual. Central functions has already set the Room Operating Mode to Economy. You want to set it back to Comfort.

  1. In System Browser, select Graphics .
  2. Double-click the room symbol .
  3. Select Room setpoints > Room Operating Mode.
  4. In the drop-down list box, select Comfort .
  5. The operating mode is reset to Comfort.
  6. Click Previous .
  1. The air handling unit displays.


Changing the Room Setpoints

Scenario: The temperature in your office is too high or too low.

  1. In System Browser, select Graphics .
  2. Double-click the room symbol .
  3. Select Room setpoints.
    • Too warm: Select Cooling and enter a lower set value.
    • Too cold: Select Heating and enter a higher set value.
      NOTE: The heating set value must be above the cooling set value.
  4. The room is operated according to the new set values.
    NOTE: Depending on the size of the room, it may take a while until the room has reached the set value.
  5. Click Previous .
  1. The air handling unit displays.


Switching Lighting On and Off

Scenario: You want to switch on the light in your office.

  1. In System Browser, select Graphics .
  2. Double-click the room symbol .
  3. Select Segments.
  4. Select the display in the Light column.
  5. Do the following:
    • Manual mode:
      a. Select the Lighting command property and click Manual.
      b. In the Value drop-down list, enter a new value.
      c. Click Send.
    • Automatic mode:
      a. Select the Lighting command property and click Auto.
  6. Click Previous .
  1. The air handling unit displays.


Positioning Blinds

Scenario: By default, blinds are controlled automatically. Their operation is dependent on installed switches, presence detector, and room request. You can raise and lower blinds for individual segments as needed.

  1. In System Browser, select Graphics .
  2. Double-click the room symbol .
  3. Select Segments.
  4. Select the Shading column.
  5. Do the following:
    • Change angle position:
      a. Select the property Angle blinds command and click Manual.
      b. In the Value drop-down list, enter the new value.
      c. Click Send.
    • Open or close blinds:
      a. Select the property Height blinds command and click Manual.
      b. In the Value drop-down list, enter the new value.
      c. Click Send.
  6. Click Previous .
  1. The air handling unit displays.