Condition Filter

  1. Select a table in the report to which you want to apply the condition filter.
  1. Do one of the following:
  • Click Dialog Launcher in the Condition Filter group box.
  • Right-click the selected table and select Condition Filter from Filters.
  • Double-click inside the Condition Filter group box.
  • The Condition Filter dialog box displays.
  1. Select a column from the Available columns list.
    NOTE: For Objects Table: A Type drop-down list displays. Select an object from the list and click the Load button to populate the Available columns list.
  • The operators and values associated with the selected column display in the Operator and Values list.
  1. Select the required Operator and Value from the respective lists. If values are not displayed for the selected column, type in the value.
    NOTE: You have to specify time related values in a 24-hour clock format. For example, to specify the Source Time as 2.00 PM, type 14.00.
  • Use AND, OR, () to form the Filter expression.
  1. (Optional) For Objects table only, specify the acceptable age of the data on which the filter is applied by selecting the Read data from field system older than option.
  • The value entered is compared with the age of the data in the cache.
    If the data in the cache is older than the value entered, it is retrieved from the field system; otherwise data from the cache is used for filtering.
  1. Click Add.
  • The filter expression formed displays in the Filter expression field.
  1. Click OK.
  • The filter expression is displayed in the Condition Filter group box.

In order to apply Condition Filter on Previous Value and Value column of the Activities/All Logs report, or on the Event Value column of the Events/Event Details report respectively, enclose the value entered in the Values text field within double quotes, if it is in the 2E63 to 2E64-1 range. In the Trends table, the precision for a 64 bit value is supported till 2E49 (15 digits).