Create an Alarm Tables Block (folder) at the Required Customization Level

To be able to work with alarm tables, you must first of all have a library with an Alarm Tables block available at your allowed customization level. You can do this in one of the following ways:

Read the appropriate procedure as needed. Skip this step if you already have a library with Alarm Tables block that you can work on.

Customize an Entire Library with Alarm Tables Block

  1. In System Browser, select the library with Alarm Tables that you want to customize to a lower level. For example, Project > System Settings > Libraries > L1-Headquarter > BA > Device > BACnet.
  2. Select the Library Configurator tab.
  3. Click Customize the entire library to a lower level .
  4. Click OK to confirm.
  5. Empty folders, including the Alarm Tables one, are created at the corresponding customization level.


Manually Add an Alarm Tables Block to an Existing Library

  1. The library you want to work on is available at your customization level, for example, L4-Project.
  1. Select the library to which you want to add the Alarm Tables block. For example,
    Project > System Settings > Libraries > [L4-Project] > [discipline] > [subsystem].
  2. Select the Library Configurator tab.
  3. Click Add new object .
  4. Select New Driver Alarm Table Folder.
  5. Click Save .
  6. Click OK.
  1. A folder is created for the alarm tables.

Only one alarm folder can be created within a library. Multiple alarm tables may, however, be defined in this alarm folder.