Data Decryption fails after a project is copied from one machine to another or after restoring the project

Problem: Data Decryption fails after a project is copied from one machine to another or after restoring the project.

Cause: On the source machine (Server), the domain user account password in the Password field in the LDAP tab is encrypted using the system key of the source machine. When the project is copied to the destination machine, the same encrypted domain user account password of the source machine displays in the Password field. Hence on clicking the Check Connection button, the connection fails and as a result the data decryption fails as well.


  1. On the destination machine, ensure that the correct password of the domain account user is provided in the Password field.
  2. Clear the existing password displayed in the Password field and re-enter the password of the domain account user.
  3. In case of project restore, ensure that you have exported the system key on the source machine and thereafter on the destination machine import the same key file available on the disk of the source machine from which you want to restore, secure and sensitive data. For example, if you are restoring a project backup of System A to System B, then you must import the same key from System A to System B so that you can use the same credentials set for System A. You must import the key before starting the project. For more information, see Import Key and Export Key in Security Expander.