Logon Box Does Not Display on Launching Client Application on Client or FEP Station

Problem: When you launch the Desigo CC client application on the client or FEP station, the logon box, does not display.


  1. On the client or FEP, select C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and open the hosts file. You need administrator rights to do this.
  2. At the end of this file, add an entry in the following format:
    [IP address of the server system] [Full name of the server system].
    For example, if your complete hostname is ABCXY022PC.don01.company.net and the IP address of the server is 123.456. 789.10, you must add the entry as follows 123.456. 789.10 ABCXY022PC.don01.company.net.

3. Save the hosts file. Updating the hosts file with the IP address and full name of the server resolves this issue.

4. Launch the Desigo CC client application on the client or FEP station.