Check Database Size, Properties and Create an Optional Alarm Message

Select any of the procedures for checking database size and optionally to create an alarm.

To supervise the size for used history space, either the DB_Size or DB_Fill_Level property present in History Database node can be used which shows the space occupied by data within the History Database in MB.

Check Database Properties

  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  1. Select Project > Management System > Servers > Main Server > History Database > Tables.
  1. Click the Extended Operation tab. The following data size properties display.
  • Database size: Displays the amount of storage used for the entire database in MB.
  • Log size: Displays the storage used for the applicable data group.
  • Number of log entries: Displays the current number of log entries for the applicable data group.
  • Number of log entries 24 hour: Displays the number of log entries that occurred for this data group over the past 24 hours.
  • Last deleted log entries: Displays the number of log entries that were deleted during the last automatic deletion for this data group.
  • Log-Reorg Time: Displays the time required to reorganize the History Database.


Create an Optional Alarm Message

Set up optional monitoring for the History Database for monitoring consumed database size based on absolute value in MBs. There already exists a pre-defined monitoring for the History Database for monitoring database fill level based on the percentage value.

  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  1. Select Project > Management System > Servers > Main Server > History Database.
  1. Click the Object Configurator tab.
  1. In the Properties expander, select DB_Size.
  1. In the Alarm Configuration expander, select the Valid check box.
  1. Set the Alarm Configuration as Management station.
  1. Select Continuous from the Alarm kind drop-down list.
  1. In the table of Alarm Configuration, configure the following:
  • Limiting Value: > (greater than) intended database size in MBs
  • Upper Hysteresis: none
  • Lower Hysteresis: none
  • Event text: free text, for example History Database Size
  • Normal Text: free text
  • Alarm config. Activated: Select the check box.
  1. Click Save.
  • History Database monitoring is created and enabled.
  • In the Properties expander, for the DB_Size property the check box for MS column gets selected.

By default the db alarm is configured on the DB_Fill_Level property.
When the History Database is 95% full, a pre-configured alarm is triggered. Normally, Emergency Delete is already executed when the database is this full and nothing else needs to be done.
A visual check of the database size utilized (per data group) can be done using Statistics in the SMC toolbar. The Used MB provides space occupied by data in each of the stores in MB.