Application Request Routing (ARR) not Visible in IIS Manager/Creation of Web Service Application Fails
Problem: Creation of Web Service application fails in SMC or ARR not visible in IIS Manager.
Cause: IIS URL Rewrite Module is not properly installed or bonded with ARR.
Solution: Perform the following steps to uninstall the ARR components in the same order and then manually reinstall ARR with its dependencies:
- Select Control Panel > Programs and Features > Uninstall a program.
- Uninstall the components given in the below order, if they are available in Uninstall or change a program window:
a. Microsoft External Cache.
b. IIS URL Rewrite Module 2.
c. Microsoft Application Request Routing 3.0. - Manually install the Application Request Routing. For more information, see Install Application Request Routing (ARR) in Additional Installer Procedures > Manually Install and Configure IIS on Different OS Types.