- Engineering Step-by-Step
- Subsystem Integration
- Desigo PX
- Start Desigo PX network wizard
- Configure Driver Settings
Configure Driver Settings
- You selected a new driver.
- In the Subsystem Desigo Automation Network expander, enter a name in the Driver description field.
- In the Port settings expander, enter the following data:
- Network adapter from the drop-down list
- IP address (is taken over)
- In the BACnet Advanced Connectivity expander, enter one of the following options in the Type drop-down list:
- Foreign device
a. In the UDP port field, enter the port number.
b. In the IP address field, enter the address.
a. Click Add.
b. Enter the IP address, UDP port and Subnet mask.
- Click Next Page .
Note: The driver is started automatically prior to data import.